
Mayor Amy Cherniwchan

Amy Cherniwchan grew up in Goodridge, AB. She moved to Smoky Lake for her internship as a Registered Dietitian in which she never left. Amy is a Registered Dietitian/Certified Diabetes Educator with Okaki Health. She enjoys traveling, spending time outdoors, entertaining and visiting with friends. She is very passionate about nutrition and the creativity of incorporating nutritious foods into our everyday busy lives. She also has a secret passion for sewing jean blankets and baby blankets from recycled materials. Amy has 4 beautiful children, Savannah is currently attending the University of Saskatchewan, Makayla is attending Grant MacEwan, Jewel and Bronsyn are proudly enrolled at H.A. Kostash School. Amy decided to run for Mayor as she felt it was an opportunity to bring fresh ideas and positive energy to our community.


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