Solar Power Field
Photo: Completed Smoky Lake Solar PV Installation

Smoky Lake Solar Power

The Town of Smoky Lake has worked closely with Dandelion Renewables to install a solar micro-generation project for the purpose of reducing town infrastructure power costs. This project offers numerous benefits to residents and businesses of the Town; including a positive return on investment, quiet clean local power generation, and a demonstration of renewable energy commitment to attract environmentally conscious business growth.

Dandelion Renewables installed a total of 384 solar PV panels with a total DC capacity of 168,960 kWp in the Town of Smoky Lake. The Solar Plant began producing power in August of 2021, bringing the Town closer to a clean energy future. The Town of Smoky Lake Solar Project is expected to produce 223 Mwh/year of annual energy generation to offset 84% of the annual electrical consumption of multiple municipal buildings and sites; including the Smoky Lake Museum, Seniors Drop-In Centre, CN Station Museum, Town of Smoky Lake Public Works Maintenance Shop/Fire Hall, and the Town Office. These municipal facilities provide services for Smoky Lake’s population of near 1000 people.

This project is expected to save the Town of Smoky Lake about $ 15,839/year in electricity costs (based on October 2020 power costs) and result in a reduction of grid electricity GHG emissions by over 118 tCO2e/year; this is equivalent to the emissions of 26 gasoline vehicles! The investment in the solar plant is expected to yield 7.50% unlevered return, with a very low environmental impact that utilizes land in a sustainable location.

The project was completed with a large portion of funding (40%) from the Municipal Climate Change Action Centre, a partnership of the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association and Rural Municipalities of Alberta.

”A chance encounter at a Smoky Lake County meeting with Dandelion Renewables President Mikhail Ivanchikow and myself last year led to my suggestion that he contact our Town CAO, Adam Kozakiewicz; and the rest is history. The town of Smoky Lake Council seized the opportunity to access The MCCAC (Municipal Climate Change Action Center) with cooperation and support from the RMA and the AUMA. The work by Dandelion Renewables has allowed our town to evolve from the use of coal oil lamps and a town-owned electrical generating station, to a fantastic environment sustaining Solar Farm. This unique opportunity has allowed for the Town of Smoky Lake to advance towards a clean energy future while contributing towards the reduction of our carbon footprint. Building on partnerships today, for future generations of tomorrow.”

Hank Holowaychuk – Town of Smoky Lake Mayor


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